Jay Liu

Dr. Jay Liu

Exus Renewables NA
Vice President of Transmission

Dr. Jay Liu is currently VP of Transmission at Exus Renewables NA. At Exus, Dr. Liu oversees renewable energy resources’ grid integration, operation and transmission services. Prior to joining Exus, he worked at PJM and ISO-NE in energy infrastructure development and operation. Jay has been engaging in grid transformation into sustainable and resilient energy infrastructures in the past three decades, with an industry record of adding more than 28,000 MW generation resources and 2000+ Transmission projects ($20B+) in-serviced into power grids globally. 

Jay obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada in 2004. He also holds an MBA degree (2009) from Penn State University, USA, as well as Master (1997) and Bachelor (1992) degrees in Power Systems from Southeast University, China. Dr. Liu is a Senior Member of IEEE and is actively participating in a variety of technical groups in IEEE Power & Energy Society and IEEE Standard Association.