Mads Almassalkhi
University of Vermont
L. Richard Fisher Professor of Electrical Engineering
Mads Rønne Almassalkhi is the L. Richard Fisher Professor of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Vermont, Director of Center for Resilient Energy & Autonomous Technologies in Engineering (CREATE), and previously co-founded clean-tech startup, Packetized Energy, that commercialized technology related to his research and was recently acquired by EnergyHub. His research interests lie at the intersection of power/energy systems, mathematical optimization, and control systems and focus on developing scalable algorithms that improve responsiveness and resilience of energy and power systems with a recent focus on advanced distribution system operations. He currently serves as Associate Editor at IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and as Chair of the IEEE Control System Society (CSS) Technical Committee on Energy Systems (TC-ES). Previously he was Chair of the IEEE PES Smart Buildings, Loads, and Customer Systems (SBLC) technical subcommittee on Loads. His work has been highlighted by IEEE Spectrum Magazine in 2022 and recognized with a recent NSF CAREER award in 2021 and the Outstanding Junior Faculty award in his college in 2016. He currently holds a joint appointment as Chief Scientist in PNNL’s Optimization & Control Group and was Otto Mønsted Visiting Professor at DTU Wind & Energy Systems (WES) in Denmark in 2021-22. Prior to joining the University of Vermont, he was Lead Systems Engineer at another startup: Root3 Technologies in Chicago, IL. Before that, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in Electrical Engineering (EE): Systems in 2013 and a dual major in Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio in 2008. When he is not working on energy problems or teaching, he spends his time with his amazing wife and their three wonderful children.